イースターエッグ作り Easter Egg Dying
イースターエッグをつくろう!たまごに 絵をかいたり、きれいな色をつけて、「新 しいいのち」のシンボルである「イースタ ーエッグ」をみんなでつくります 。☆エプロンを持参してください。
We will decorate eggs and turn them into Easter Eggs, a symbol of New Life. We'll also hear the Easter Story and learn little about the history of Easter eggs.
Children of all ages are welcome to join. (That includes babies, adults and everyone in-between!)
Register by sending an e-mail to the church. takenotsukachurch @ live.jp
☆Please bring a smock or apron so that the dye does not get on your clothes.
時間: 11:00-13:00
竹の塚ルーテル教会 ☎ 03-3899-2529
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